Earn $1000s with
Landlord Referrals

Protect future sales and earn a commission

Get started earning in just a few clicks

How Our Referral Program Works

01 Refer a Client to Us

Send us a client by filling out the form at the bottom of the page. Please provide as much info as possible.

02 We Contact Your Client

We will contact your customer and walk them through the management options available.

03 We Pay You

The more clients you refer to us, the more you'll earn! Our referrals start at $250-500/client.

Why Refer Clients to Us?

Explore the benefits of partnering with us.

Don't Say Goodbye to Clients

Referring customers to a property manager shouldn't mean saying goodbye for good. We don't steal customers; instead, we handle your client's property management needs and refer sales back to you.

We also now offer simultaneous For Lease and For Sale coordinated listings.

Keep Your Risks Minimized

Don't take on unnecessary liability by providing bad advice on complicated subjects like rental insurance, fair housing guidelines, or tenant law. Let us keep your client compliant and keep your interests protected.

We Put Everything in Writing

Rest easy working with our team of management experts. After sending us a client, we will put all of the terms of our agreement in writing to keep both of us protected. View our agreement form here.

We'll Make You Look Good

We believe in first impressions and want to do our best to reflect positively on your recommendation. We work to keep your client happy and will make you look great in the process.

We'll Pay You!

Tier 1: Two referrals, Earn $250 each.

Tier 2: Referrals 3-5, Earn $350 each.

Tier 3: Referrals 6+, Earn $500 each.

Rollover each calendar year at the Tier level achieved the previous year.

Calculate Your Protected Income

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Some Sample Numbers

1yr Earnings From Just 6 Referrals/Year
Just 1yr of Protected Sales Commissions
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    BlueHome Property Management

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